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Daily AI In the Eyes of Users: Mass AI Cognitive Research Report

When it comes to “Artificial Intelligence”, the industry generally believes that the current “Artificial Intelligence” refers to “human-like intelligence”. Artificial intelligence experts hope that machines can “think like a person”, “act like a person”, “think rationally” and “act rationally in decision-making”. But when AI goes out of the lab and enters the homes of millions as a consumer product, will the general public perceive smart hardware products as “smart” as the experts expect them to be?

“Intelligence” In the Eyes of Users

What is smart to the user? We can answer this question by breaking it down into three aspects: what features of a product are considered smart in the eyes of the user? What kind of smart features do users buy? What kind of smart products do users want to be useful?
For users, products with features such as automatic adjustment, voice interaction, remote control, etc. are smart. And appearance like a human being is not closely linked to the sense of intelligence, especially having a human-like appearance. This suggests that users perceive intelligence more as a manifestation of the application of new technology than as a simulation of appearance. The deeper the understanding of AI, the more users recognize that products with features such as autonomous learning, gesture interaction, human-like emotions, and human-like appearance have a stronger sense of intelligence. From the data, the features that users think products have a sense of intelligence and the features that they want to have are consistent, indicating that users recognize the sense of intelligence of products more and want to have products with the features of a sense of intelligence.

Experience of using intelligent hardware products

There are two types of smart hardware, one is AI technology + traditional hardware products, such as TVs, cameras, speakers, etc., which add new forms of interaction and richer functions, etc., on the basis of the traditional core functions; the other is to rely mainly on AI technology to generate new smart hardware products, such as robot series. We will focus on typical products of smart home and smart wearable devices that are closely related to people’s daily life, and understand the real feelings of users who buy and use these products.
1. Artificial Intelligence TV
The popularized AI TVs on the market at present are voice-interactive smart TVs, or AI primary applications. The main interaction methods include far-field voice (freeing your hands without the help of a remote control) and near-field voice (with the help of a remote control).
The first factors that users consider when buying AI TVs are clear picture quality and smooth playback, followed by voice interaction, strong sense of technology and other factors related to the sense of intelligence.
Users’ high satisfaction with AI TVs is mainly reflected in the efficient and unrestricted voice interaction. However, because the elderly currently watching TV are in the majority, voice interaction is not yet able to realize true natural interaction due to technical and landing problems, so learning new ways of operation may be a burden for the elderly.

2. Smart speaker
Smart speakers are becoming more and more common in consumers’ homes, and voice interaction and artificial intelligence services are becoming their daily life. When users buy a speaker, the first consideration is the functions of the speaker itself, such as sound quality and a complete song library. The factors related to the sense of intelligence are in the middle. The educational attributes of the smart speaker are only a few factors considered by families with children.
Users’ satisfaction with smart speakers is generally high, the intelligence index is high, and the practicality is relatively weak. Smart speakers bring voice interaction to thousands of households, but some users have reported that they have not found the rigid demand function of continuous use of smart speakers.

3. Smart camera
Home security control products represented by smart cameras can realize intelligent life at low cost, which is sought after by young users and is growing rapidly in the market.
When users buy smart cameras, high-definition and panoramic are the core needs, while intelligent mobile tracking and the sense of technology are relatively behind. The privacy risk of the camera is high, which is also an important factor for users to consider. The price of smart cameras on the market is also relatively low.
Users have high satisfaction with smart cameras and strong practical indicators. Judging from the monitored objects, children and the elderly are the main targets.

4. Sweeping robot
In the field of personal and household service robots, domestic service robots represented by sweeping robots solve the pain points of users’ housework cleaning, so as to take the lead in entering ordinary consumer families. When users buy a sweeping robot, the cleaning effect is the best consideration. The ability to climb and avoid obstacles is relatively less important.
Users’ satisfaction with sweeping robots is relatively low, mainly complaining about charging problems and poor cleaning effect.
From the user’s point of view, artificial intelligence TVs and smart cameras have a strong sense of intelligence and practicality. The sweeping robot may not need to interact with it too much, which makes users have a low perception of their intelligence, and there is also a problem of weak practicality.

Intelligent Software and Online Tools

Online AI tools are widely used in this rapidly developing society of AI. Image and practicality in the eyes of users usually depend on several key factors, including user experience, functionality, reliability, data privacy and security.
Many users regard AI tools as a symbol of technological innovation and believe that they represent the forefront of modern technology. In terms of usage preferences, AI tools launched by well-known brands are usually more trusted by users. Users also prefer AI tools that are friendly and easy to operate. If a tool is complicated to use, users may look for other solutions. In addition, the practicality of AI tools is that their ability to solve practical problems is very important to users. For example, text generation tools, image editing tools, etc., which can provide effective help in specific fields will be loved by users. These tools can save users’ time and improve work efficiency. In addition, multi-functional AI tools can meet a variety of needs of users, while customized functions can provide more personalized services and retain users.
Generally speaking, the image and practicality of online AI tools in the minds of users are closely related. A good-looking AI tool is usually highly practical, and highly practical AI tools also help to improve its image. The key lies in whether these tools can provide reliable, efficient and safe services to meet the actual needs of users.

Sum up

1. Intelligence brings convenience to users’ lives.
Users’ perception and acceptance of intelligence are applications of AI technology, such as automatic adjustment, voice interaction, remote control, etc.
In terms of professional fields, the algorithmic logic and mechanisms behind these are to simulate, extend and extend human intelligence, and are essentially humanoid.
But from the user’s point of view, more importantly, the convenience that high technology brings to life, “like people” is not so important. Moreover, the “Terror Valley” theory also shows that when robots are more similar to humans to a certain extent, human reactions to them will suddenly become extremely disgusted.
When users consider buying products, the core factors are still the function of the product itself, such as the good cleaning effect of the sweeping robot, the high-definition artificial intelligence TV, and smooth playback.
Combined with the above two points, we believe that smart products should focus on the R&D and publicity at this stage on the convenience brought by AI to life, rather than on the appearance of people.

2. The entry price threshold of smart products is low.
From the price of smart products, you can buy a smart speaker or camera or sweeping robot at a cheap price, and you can buy an artificial intelligence TV equipped with a voice interaction system at a higher price. The intelligence of life can be realized at a low cost.

3. Artificial intelligence puts forward higher requirements for product interaction design.
The new interaction mode and new control mode of the intelligent product itself have indeed brought convenience to users, but users affirmed the convenience of the intelligent product, but there are also many complaints. For example, in the family scene, in the face of multi-person voice interaction, who should the product listen to? When the more integrated the product fails, how should the user deal with it? Such complaints reveal that in the current interactive design of intelligent hardware, the starting point is still on the product, not the user.

The emergence of artificial intelligence has changed the interaction design from a single product experience to the need to consider how users can provide accurate and timely personalized services in different scenarios and emergencies, and at the same time carry out internal self-learning and correction. In the face of such a great change, providing more elegant and convenient solutions to convey a “sense of intelligence” to users, which may be a new direction that requires special attention when designing intelligent products.

17 Oct 2024

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