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Does the Image Generated by Realistic AI Image Generator Have its Unique Artistic Value?


In recent years, with the rapid development of various algorithm models, AI drawing tools have appeared on a large scale and entered the public view. AI graphic promotes new forms and concepts of artistic creation. Artists can use AI-generated images as a source of inspiration to further explore the possibility of creation. So, do AI-generated images have their unique artistic value? People have many different views on this point.

Point 1: Image Generated by Realistic AI Image Generator Has Artistic Value

Some views believe that the artistic value of AI images should be analyzed from the three scales of artistic essence. “In the history of human art, theorists’ understanding of the essence of art focusses on three different scales: first, the functional scale, which believes that aesthetic value is a fundamental measure of art; second, the context scale, which believes that the identification of art requires a specific art institution or artistic context; third, the historical scale, which believes that People’s understanding of art is a historical process, and an important empirical scale for identifying art can be found in the history of art development.”

Aesthetic scale:
The works created by AI have strange shapes and different styles, forming their own mainstream style, which can be called art and has its unique artistic value.

Context scale:
Take an incident as an example. On October 25, 2018, an artificial intelligence art work named Edmond Belamy, from La Famile de Belamy appeared at the Christie’s auction in New York.
The work was finally successfully traded at a price of about $430,000, far exceeding the pre-pair valuation. Christie’s has become the first auction house in the world to sell artificial intelligence art works. From the perspective of context, the successful auction of AI works in specific art institutions is tantamount to affirmation of their artistic value.

Historical scale:
One day in 1827, the French scientist Niépce coated a special layer of asphalt on the metal plate and obtained the world’s first photo after 8 hours of exposure. Since then, cameras and photography have appeared on the stage of human history. It also brings shocks, opportunities and challenges to painting. At the beginning of the emergence of the art of photography, people questioned it, but it was followed by acceptance and imitation, integration and development, and eventually became popular art. AI’s picture is in the same situation as the photography of that year. Although they use modern technology, they are a direct expression of the author’s thoughts and emotions.

(The first photo in the world)

Point 2: Image Generated by Realistic AI Image Generator Has No Artistic Value

AI can create high-quality works through imitation and training. The other view is that AI lacks human characteristics such as emotion, intuition and creativity, so its works may not be recognized as artistic.
It is believed that AI lacks the subjectivity and uniqueness of human artists, and it is difficult to recognize it as a work of art even if it has a high technical level. Art creation is a social communication activity in which human beings consciously and creatively exchange ideas and emotions through language, images, behaviors, etc., while Image generated by realistic AI image generator are only the product of imitation of existing painting styles. They are not born in specific historical situations, nor do they have self-awareness, so they are not art.

Sum Up

This is a diversified and open discussion topic, and different people may have different views. Machine learning, deep learning and other technologies generate unprecedented visual effects and musical works in artistic creation, and this innovation itself has a certain aesthetic value.
On the other hand, the aesthetic value of works of art often lies in the core that touches the audience, which is created by human emotions and life experience.
Under the general trend of AI creation, we should accept and develop with a positive attitude, and gradually explore the development of art under the cooperation between human beings and machines. It is believed that a high degree of collaboration between people and technology will make the work more diverse and innovative on the basis of emotional core.
So, do you want to try using the realistic AI image generator to create pictures and works? Click to start immediately.

17 Oct 2024

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