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Is There an AI for That Can Help You with A Variety of Picture Processing Tasks?

The Rapid Development of AI

At the end of 2023, Nature announced the top ten scientific figures of the year, and a non-human player, ChatGPT, appeared on the list. It is an artificial intelligence assistant that has occupied various news headlines. It can be seen that generative artificial intelligence has brought great changes to scientific development and progress. In recent years, the rapid development of AI has brought a lot of convenience to our life and work. We use AI tools to solve problems, improve efficiency, and return the time occupied by repetitive work to ourselves. 2023 is an important node for the AI industry, and this year, AI has emerged as a leap forward development.
Before the development of generative AI, AI applications stayed at predicting trends or providing insights based on existing data, instead of generating new content. In contrast, generated AI will use machine learning to learn the “thinking” mode from training data to create output. At the same time, through multi-modal deep learning, AI is trained to find the relationship between different types of modes, so AI can gradually “translate” text into images, and turn images into videos and text into audio. This progress provides more possibilities for the application of AI.

The Use of AI in Daily Life

The applications of artificial intelligence in life include voice assistant, unmanned driving, financial services, medical diagnosis, smart home, intelligent recommendation and natural language processing. The application of artificial intelligence in life has penetrated into various fields, bringing convenience and change to life.
AI has become a powerful assistant and partner of mankind in integrating into the work and life of all walks of life.
Nowadays, people no longer seem to worry too much about AI replacing their jobs, because AI has become a tool to improve human productivity at work. People give AI the tasks that need to be repeated and need to be summarized in time, and the results of AI output are amazing. With the help of AI, people’s work results have improved significantly, and their happiness has also improved.
AI facilitates all aspects of our lives. The equipment in our home relies on AI to realize intelligent control and automatic operation, and automatically adjust the temperature, lighting, security and other systems to provide us with a more comfortable and convenient living environment. Various voice assistants can understand the user’s instructions and give corresponding responses, realizing the convenience of human-computer interaction. Driverless vehicles are also constantly developing and iterating. They can perceive the surrounding environment in real time and make corresponding decisions and control, improve driving safety and avoid traffic jams to a certain extent. In the medical field, AI also plays a great role. AI can help doctors diagnose diseases and formulate treatment plans. In the past, it was difficult for human beings to make accurate judgments in the face of blurred medical images. Nowadays, AI contributes to the development of the medical industry by analyzing a large amount of medical data and assisting doctors in making treatment decisions together to provide patients with more accurate diagnostic results. In the field of e-commerce, artificial intelligence technology can provide personalized services according to users’ personal preferences and historical behaviors, and automatically recommend goods that users may be interested in.

Daily Image Processing Dilemma

Image processing is a challenging task for any non-professional. Today, with the rapid development of technology, complex tasks also have their solutions. However, solutions often have technical thresholds, which are difficult for ordinary people to master easily, and can only solve problems at a high cost in various fields. The emergence of AI has broken this dilemma.
By using AI tools with multiple functions, people can solve all kinds of problems without spending time and money. Take the field of image processing as an example. Before the emergence of AI, people often need to seek professional designers or picture processors to complete tasks such as eliminating picture background, making poster pictures on a certain topic, and removing picture watermarks. This process is both time-consuming and money. With the AI tool for image processing, anyone can handle all kinds of tasks in a quick way. This not only solves the problem itself, but also adds more possibilities for people’s creative work.

AI Tools You Can Use

In the face of complex image processing problems, there is an AI tool for you to use, which is called Picit.AI. Picit.AI is an AI powered vision create & design platform.

This platform aggregates a variety of image processing functions, and what I use most is its picture background elimination function. This function can intelligently identify the image subject and quickly and accurately delete the image background. And it provides a manual adjustment option. You can adjust and modify the results and freely retain or delete the image area. In addition to deleting the background separately, this function also supports users to change the background to a solid color or custom image. In order to enable users to improve the necessary adjustments before finalizing the final version, Picit.AI has designed the function of previewing and editing results, allowing users to view the results during the adjustment process, which can greatly improve efficiency.
The threshold for use of Picit.AI is low, and anyone with image processing needs can easily master its usage. When you use it, you don’t need to download the software. You can use it by opening the website. It is worth mentioning that its function is free and saves costs for your picture processing tasks.
If you are interested, try it!

17 Oct 2024

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